Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Do you ever feel like you are a simply a sculpture made out of sand, and if one more thing falls on you, you will crumble into a million pieces? Then the wind will blow away every tiny particle that was once you, and there will be no evidence that you ever even existed?

I suppose some could say,"yes" and others would say "no, not at all and this post is extremely depressing!" But the fact of the matter is, that we all get discouraged, we all wonder if our life will leave any sort of a positive legacy. It is in those moments that I am so thankful I can go to my Father and hear Him tell me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The apple of His eye. His beloved. That He will be my strength when I need it the most, and He catches every tear that falls and promises to replace the hurt with healing.

Everything we do in His name, no matter how insignificant to the world, if we do it to glorify Him,our lives will leave behind a mark, a legacy, the scattered seeds of faith!